Triangle Points, North Carolina

We are a group of volunteers who live in and around the Triangle area. We are tired of watching our loved ones and neighbors die from preventable diseases. We are fed-up with the burden that drug use places on our society, due in large part to the inhumane things we do to our brothers and sisters when we label them "drug user." We believe in evidence-based public health and fiscally responsible drug policy. We provide education and technical assistance, as well as physical and virtual tools to safeguard the public health without compromising the dignity of our community members, whether they use drugs or not.

We welcome your comments and hope you find this site useful. Care to join us? We always need help with making kits and distributing information. Drop us a note below.

We are non-profit and are not affiliated with any university or service provider organization. Our funding comes from private donations and a grant from the North American Syringe Exchange Network. We are a member of the North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition.

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